Beyond the Book

Sixth Annual Artist’s Book and Collage Exhibit

“Beyond the Book”

Time: 5  May – 23 June 23 2012
Location: Honan-Allston Branch, Boston Public Library, 300 North Harvard St., Allston, U.S.A.

Jurors: Jesseca Ferguson, Fran Foreman and Karen Frostig.

Artists: Lola Baltzell, Janet Reynolds Bemis, Carol Blackwell, Patty Bruce, Dennis Dahill, Ann Forbush, Ania Gilmore, Edith Green, Gail Hansen, Ronni Komarow, Ann S. Miller, Ruth Nelson, Karen L. McCarthy, Jeanette O’Connor, Jaye Phillips, Susan Porter, Bonnie Rosenthal, Margaret Scoppa,, Alexandra Sheldon, Martha Shea Smith, Patricia Sarrafian Ward, Annie Zeybekoglu.


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