Chang Soo Kim “Flickerings, Intersects & Synthespians”

Time: 4 – 31 March 2012
Location: Fries Grafisch Museum, Het Grafisch Kabinet
Address: Geelgietersstraat 1-11, 8501 CA Joure, The Netherlands

Curator: Joseph Johannes Visser

An artist Chang Soo Kim suggests two concepts. First one is flickering. He believes it is based on the changing of visual experience resulted from the development of electronic / digital devices. This is a new way of visual recognition in response to flickering digital devices. Second one is synthespians. This is used along with the first one. Synthespians is a new terminology meaning a new technology that links the actual movement of people or animals to computer image. Based on these concepts, elements of face figures of people lead to elements of meaning. This way, he presents many different themes from city life to city people. ­ quoted from the annual of the Korean Contemporary Printmakers Association 2006.










An artist Chang Soo Kim makes an artists books, participated in several International Artist’s Book Triennials. In 2009 participated in the “Artist’s Book Workshop 2009” in Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts.



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