Carola Willbrand in Admont


View from the Admont Monastery to the mountains

Carola Willbrand, Heaven’s Inferno Dress, Artistic Intervention 2017





Time: Opening 1st May 2017
Location: The Museum of Fine Arts, Admont Abbey, Austria

Curators: Dr. Michael Braunsteiner & Barbara Eisner-B

Carola Willbrand – artist’s book creator, master of installation, performance artist – very interesting and not traditional artist. She participated in the “7th Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2015” with her beautiful artist’s books.

In the beautiful Museum Admont Abbey she shows installation from handmade paper and handwrite text on the walls.

“A penetrable chasuble made of used fabric provided by the artist, floats like a tent in a room. The art created with a sewing machine on it depicts the dance of death. The individual handmade paper can be folded akin to the fanfold paper. The fanfold paper as a means to create a space-filling sculptural design for an artist’s book has for long been an artistic preoccupation of Carola Willbrand. This work links to the historical fabric of Admont Abbey of Benno Hahn and to the new Gothic exhibition in the abbey. This dress, which is also a tent, represents a heavenly tent in the image of creation. And the other side depicts the entire story of the global textile trade, right up to the low-price fabric of our times manufactured under intolerable conditions.” – Official information from Museum Admont Abbey.

More information:


Artist’s book of Carola Willbrand from the 7th Artist’s Book Triennial




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