Künstlerbücher für Alles


“Artists’ Books for Everything”


Time: 3 June – 6 August 2017
Location: Center for Artists’ Publications in the Weserburg, Bremen, Germany

“The exhibition aims to present the first ever survey of the evolution and dissemination of artists’ books today and to illustrate the diversity of this genre. It will include artists’ books produced in the last five years or so. To this end, the Centre for Artists’ Publications, in a Call for Artists’ Books, invites artists from throughout the world to participate in this international exhibition of artists’ books. Under the title “Künstlerbücher für Alles  –  Artists‘ Books for Everything  –  Livres d’artiste pour tout”, books can be submitted until the end of April 2017. All books submitted must be produced in large editions (not unique copies or edited in small print runs) and marketed by booksellers or galleries or by the artists themselves.”

More info: http://weserburg.de/index.php?id=933




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