Beyond the Book VII

Time: 19 October – 30 November 2013
Opening: 19 October, 11 am. an till 1pm. at the Faneuil Branch, Boston Public Library, Oak Square, Brighton
Location: Brighton & Faneuil Branches, Boston Public Library, U.S.A.
Jurors: Helga Felleisen & Chantal Zakari

Image featured above, “Ghost Chairs” by Kate Castelli

Participating Artists: Laurie Alpert, Nancer Ballard, Carol Blackwell, Patty Bruce,
Kate Castelli, Diane Dolan, Helene Elsborg, Phoebe Ann Erb, Ania Gilmore,
Ruth Ginsberg-Place, Roni Gross, Cristina Hajosy, Sarah Hulsey, Jeff Jampel,
Ronni Komarow, Jeanette O’Connor, Bonnie Rosenthal, Margaret Scoppa,
Fay Senner, Alexandra Sheldon, Martha Shea Smith, Gail Smuda,
Stephanie Mahan Stigliano, & Annie Zeybekoglu.

More info:

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