Art of the Book
Artists Books and Altered Books
Time: 21 October – 9 December 2012
Location: Lower Link Gallery
Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County
115 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604, U.S.A.
Opening Reception: Sunday, 21 October 2012, 2-4 pm
The Rochester Public Library will be holding a juried exhibition of book art, called “The Art of the Book”. The book is an enduring symbol of knowledge and freedom, two basic components of all public libraries in the world. During the last 100 years, books have played a significant role in world history, recording not only the history itself, but also inciting history making events and keeping people informed of what transpires in the world around them.
Invited artists: Diane Bond, Kristine Bouyoucos, Kristy Carpenter, Heather Cassidy,
Corinne Clar, Barbara Fox, Ania Gilmore, Rebecca Grant, Sarah Guarnera, Leah Hagstrom, Mary Hazlewood, Beverly Hettig, Mary Housel-Demanchick, Sue Huggins Leopard, Scott McCarney, Inge Munnings, Bettina Pauly, Karen Reisdorf, Nanci Rosenberg-Nugent, Judy Schewe, Lynn Skordal, Linh Troung, Annie Zeybekoglu.